So, after the discovery of the broken heating yesterday, E-on rang us back today and said that they can fit us in tomorrow. According to E-ons contract we are priority customers because we have children under 3 years old (one only being 10 weeks old). However, being a priority with E-on means that they might wander out to see you 48 hours after being contacted. FOURTY EIGHT HOURS.
We have rung them twice to highlight that we have a 10 week old and they just say that they don't have any available 'engineers' in the area. Well, I thought the idea of priority was that you went before other people who were not priorities. If I had an elderly relative who was paying £192 a year for this service I would be seriously concerned for their health.
And this appointment tomorrow is to LOOK at the boiler, it may not even be fixed then - depending on the problem.
So E-on, be warned. i'm going to carry on like this until you get the bloody heating fixed. Given that it was only serviced last week, I'm a tiny bit annoyed that it's bust so quickly in the first place. AND your 'engineer' managed to break our tumble dryer while he was here. We've got another 'engineer' coming to fix that today.
By the way - I thought 'engineer' was a term which implied a degree level qualification in engineering. I doubt if any of these technicians have that, especially ones from Eon as they appear to be crap.
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