Saturday, 29 January 2011

Friends you don't need to tidy up for.

Two of my best friends came to visit today. I really loved seeing them and their daughter who has the dirtiest laugh I think I have ever heard from a two year old!

I now have all my music back on my itunes :-) can manage my ebooks usefully :-) know gossip from work :-) and have a toddler who is feeling better again :-) I also got to pay attention to the toddler while the baby fell asleep on someone else :-). All this and they were only here for a few hours.

I'm not just creeping here, but they are the kind of people who make an effort with people. It's far more effort for them to come and visit me than for me and Rob to go and visit them but still, they've been here far more often than I've been to theirs. So next time, we must go to theirs! Little i would love to meet the manic dog again.

I say friends you don't need to tidy up for, I'm pretty sure that one of them wouldn't notice our mess. The other, I know probably did but is kind enough not to comment on it.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I didn't say it out loud but on the way home I thought 'I'm glad we're not the only ones that don't have a spotless house!'

    As my Mum says (despite the fact her house is spotless), houses are meant to be lived in.

    Was nice to see you all, glad Little I perked up, hope she recovers quickly.
